directed by Joseph Kosinski, and was initially released into theaters on December 17, 2010, with the DVD release of April 5, 2011, now quickly approaching. It boasts an impressive cast, including Jeff Bridges, Beau Garret, Olivia Wilde, Garret Hedlund, and Bruce Boxleitner. Running just over two hours long, TRON: Legacy is distributed by Walt Disney Pictures, is rated PG for family entertainment, and features 3D viewing capabilities.
TRON: Legacy is a technical adventure, taking place in an imaginative digital world. The plot follows Sam Flynn, played by Hedlund, who is introduced as a technically gifted boy in his late twenties. Flynn's father, played by Bridges, has been missing for many years, spawning a number of questions that no one has been able to answer. Flynn is consumed by these questions, leading him to look into his father's disappearance further, which only works to raise more questions.
Flynn's quest for answers leads him to be sucked into the digital world known as Tron, where his father has been trapped, living there for the last 25 years. Along the journey is Kevin's sidekick, Quorra, played by Wilde, who assists Flynn and his father on their incredible escape attempt. The film follows this epic adventure through a cyber universe that is visually incomparable to anything seen in science fiction of the past. This film presents an exciting journey, wrought with the danger that will engage young and old viewers, alike.
Dedicated fans of the original film may feel disappointed by the updated world of TRON: Legacy. The newer film presents obvious opportunities for over-the-top special effects and exciting action sequences. While these aspects of the film certainly have value to entertainment seekers, those who were intrigued by the initial story present in the Tron adventure will find that it is largely overshadowed by Hollywood spectacle. While dedicated science fiction fans should still feel obliged to view the film, they should recognize that times are different, and some of what made the original so special has been lost to modern technology.
Alternatively, TRON: Legacy receives no complaints as a 3D movie. It is one of the best 3D movies that have come out since the popular inception of this technique, with numerous opportunities for in-your-face action. Audiences of the film were kept at the edge of their seats with the engaging fight sequences and seemingly personal involvement in action scenes. If you have never heard of Tron, the original story, or the science fiction following, it is still worth viewing this film. While a 3D experience in the theater offers more excitement than a living room viewing, the DVD offers an equally engaging adventure through cyberspace.